
If you regularly work on a computer in your job, you’re probably no stranger to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Unfortunately, we all become more susceptible to it over time with repetitive hand and wrist use, so it’s important to identify when you might be at risk and how to find the right equipment that actually encourages relief for your joints.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

每年,成千上万的人可以开发疼痛,numbing, or tingling in their hands and wrists after continually typing at a computer for several hours a day. And since so many jobs require the use of technology, it’s nearly impossible to escape the clutches of wrist and hand injuries over time.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is becoming more common and is actually caused by compression of the median nerve, causing pain, weakness, tingling, or even numbness in the hands and wrists. If left untreated (usually with surgery or physical therapy), it can lead to permanent nerve damage.

What can you do to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are a few key things you can do to prevent or lessen your chances of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Use a special, ergonomically-designed mouse that’s built for preventing hand and wrist injuries.

Goldtouch Ergonomic Mouse

One of the best ways to reduce strain in your wrists and hands with frequent computer use is to avoid a flat mouse and instead opt for anergonomically designed mousethat better conforms to the natural shape of your hand. Goldtouch offers several models of ergonomic mice to perfectly fit your hand curvature and size.

Take frequent breaks from typing when you know you’ll be working for long periods.

If you know you’ll be working on the computer for more than an hour or two, it’s a good idea to get up and take frequent breaks, or at least take a few minutes and stop typing intermittently to give your hands a much-needed break.

If you’re a frequent texter, do this instead:

Instead of texting with your hands where you have to use frequent, repetitive motions, opt for using your smartphone’s ‘voice to text’ feature when you can, so your fingers are less likely to cramp up.

Give your hands & wrists some exercise.

wrist stretches and exercises

You can do severalstretches and exercisesto keep your hands and wrists more flexible and comfortable during frequent use. Search for wrist and hand strengthening exercises used in yoga,as they can be used interchangeably and are great for helping to keep your joints and ligaments fluid, flexible, and less prone to injury.
