closet office
幸运的是,你知道你办公室可以使用little ergonomic upgrade. Whether you find yourself hunching over your keyboard or you simply get antsy sitting all day, if you haven’t done any customization to your space, your body is straining in ways that hurt you and make it difficult to concentrate. But it’s no biggie. Despite a widespread misconception that says otherwise, ergonomic upgrades don’t have to mean investing thousands upon thousands of dollars in high-tech ergonomic equipment. With a creative eye and a few DIY magic tricks, you can hack your space into ergonomic health in no time.

Easiest Ergonomic Upgrades

One of the easiest places to start is with your desk. If yours doesn’t adjust and you’re looking for a crafty project, try building one that’s at the proper height for you out of something interesting, like an old door or an antique tabletop. When sitting, the desk should come to such a level that you can hover your fingers naturally over your keyboard. If this is too much work, simply stack your monitor on books so that you can look straight ahead at your screen with your neck in a neutral position. Voila! Your screen will be at the perfect height, and you can choose to either sit down or stand up. An old detachable bookcase is also good for this purpose.

Many ergonomic hacks are all the better if paired with a few pieces of ergonomic equipment, like asplit keyboardand anergonomic mouse.这种设备是再保险latively inexpensive given their long term payoffs, as they’ll prevent costly surgeries, reduce the amount of time you have to take off due to the pain of injury, and increase your productivity.

Shop Bundles and Ergo Suites

Goldtouch Go!2 Mobile Keyboard and Notebook Stand Bundle (Bluetooth Wireless)
Goldtouch Go!2 Mobile Keyboard and Laptop Stand Bundle (USB)
Goldtouch Bluetooth Mobile Bundle | Right-Handed Mouse Only
Goldtouch Mobile Bundle (USB)
For more easy and fun ideas, we highly recommend the excellent tips included in this article,Top 10 DIY Office Upgrades.Do you have any plans to upgrade your office? Tell us all about your projects in the comments below.